Come browse our beautiful, fully handmade bags. These bags not only look beautiful, but are also extremely useful and helpful. With our products being 100% handmade and made with the best quality materials, these bags are sure to last you many years going forward. The best part is, they require minimal care, as they are not prone to fading, they are wrinkle-proof, and they are very durable quality. If you do desire to clean the bags, we can even include a care sheet with detailed instructions to help you make sure it is just as vibrant as when you received it. We make ALL of our items in a smoke-free workshop and store them in a moisture controlled environment to make sure you receive all of your items in pristine quality. We also thrive on our customer service. Even though we are an individually owned small business, we will always get back to you with any questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions as soon as we possibly can. Usually no later than 24 hours. Are you browsing our website and thought of something you would like but it is not listed? Do not hesitate to reach out with any and all suggestions. We make custom orders consistently, and we love to hear your ideas. We are operated by your support and couldn’t do it without you! Thank you.

Seahorse Canvas Drawstring Bag
Seahorse Canvas Drawstring Bag
Seahorse Canvas Drawstring Bag is a handy and adorable accessory. You can hang it up in any room in your home to use as storage. These bags are also great for on the go instead of a purse. Use these fashionable bags to eliminate clutter!  This fabric is vintage so it is very limited in supply! See below for more information >>>
not rated $12.00 Add to cart
Seahorse Canvas Tote Bag
Seahorse Canvas Tote Bag

Seahorse Canvas Tote Bag

Seahorse Canvas Tote Bag is created with a vintage Seahorse fabric. Additionally, it is fully lined with a natural cotton canvas and has an inside pocket with a snap closure. The straps are made with braided trim. Additionally, the tote has a heavy duty snap closure. See below for additional information >>>
not rated $28.00 Add to cart
New York City Drawstring Bag
New York City Drawstring Bag

New York City Drawstring Bag

New York City Drawstring Bag is a fashionable and adorable accessory. Made with an adorable New York City fabric, it is sure to transport you to NYC! You can hang it up in any room in your home to use as storage. These bags are also great for on the go instead of a purse. Use these fashionable bags to eliminate clutter! See below for more information >>>
not rated $9.50 Add to cart
drawstring kitchen leaf bag
Drawstring Leaf Bag

Drawstring Leaf Bag

Drawstring leaf bag is a handy and adorable accessory. Hang it up in any room in your home to use as storage. These bags are also great for on the go instead of a purse. Use these fashionable bags to eliminate clutter! See below for more information >>> 
not rated $9.50 Add to cart
drawstring kitchen camper bags
Drawstring Camper Bag

Drawstring Camper Bag

Drawstring camper bag is a handy and adorable accessory. Hang it up in any room in your home to use as storage. These bags are also great for on the go instead of a purse. Use these fashionable bags to eliminate clutter! See below for more information >>> 
not rated $9.50 Add to cart
Whimsy Kitty Drawstring Bag
Whimsy Kitty Drawstring Bag

Whimsy Kitty Drawstring Bag

Whimsey Kitty Drawstring Bag is a handy and adorable accessory. You can hang it up in any room in your home to use as storage. These bags are also great for on the go instead of a purse. Use these fashionable bags to eliminate clutter! See below for more information >>>
not rated $9.50 Add to cart