Want to Create or Touch Up Your Website But Need Some Help? Look No Further!

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Hello, everyone! Cheri, owner and maker of Seams Original here.

I have always struggled to maintain my own WordPress website and have not gotten any real help until recently. My granddaughter took initiative to learn how to program my website and has been helping me immensely to re-launch my new and improved website.

I have received many inquires from fellow Etsy shop owners about making their own website and/or needing help touching up their website and don’t know where to turn. Well, look no further! My granddaughter offers her services as either a “one and done” where she will help you create your website and show you the ropes, OR, you can hire her permanently to keep up your website by: adding listings, editing listings, editing your site, being your customer service representative, etc. I couldn’t recommend her more!

She currently is helping me with WooCommerce (WordPress) but is also learning the works of Shopify websites and more. If you would like a page of information about what she offers and additional details, please reach out to me at anytime via our contact page, phone number, or email. Thank you!

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